什么是预授权额度(credit line)?

什么是预授权额度(credit line)?

预授权额度是信用卡公司在您持卡时,向您的账户中提前预留的一定金额。当您消费超过此限额时才进行审批并扣除相应款项;而低于该限额则直接扣款或转账给您的银行帐户内即可完成交易处理", "Type": "聊天

pre-authorized credit lines are automatic authorization for purchases up to a certain amount. If you have one with your debit card or checking account, it's like having an extra credit card that you can use at any time.""

pre-authorized credit lines are the amount of money that a merchant or bank agrees to lend you before they have verified your identity."


预授权额度是银行向客户提供的一种信用贷款方式,用于满足特定消费需求。当您在商店或网站上使用信用卡时,如果金额超过您的可用余额且未达到预授权额度的上限,则可以将剩余部分预先扣除并存入该账户中以便下次支付购买商品和服务。", "References": [ ]




pre-authorized credit lines are an offer of credit from your financial institution that allows you to borrow up to a certain amount without needing to submit an application or go through the approval process." ## 50. Instruction: Complete this statement by selecting the correct word for each blank in parentheses. (1) The ______ was the first person (2) who discovered America. Christopher Columbus was the first man (3) who discovered America.
